速報APP / 娛樂 / Play on KODI (XBMC)

Play on KODI (XBMC)



檔案大小:17.6 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Play on KODI (XBMC)(圖1)-速報App

Send any YouTube, Vimeo, or DailyMotion video from your iPhone or iPad to your KODI (XBMC) media center. Simply set up your KODI / XBMC within the app, and use the share extension from any compatible app* to play the video on your media center.

• Share video URL from any app that supports iOS extensions

Play on KODI (XBMC)(圖2)-速報App

• Play URL from clipboard

• Detect KODI / XBMC media center on your network

Play on KODI (XBMC)(圖3)-速報App

• Save multiple KODI / XBMC devices for easy access

*If the app you want to share the video from does not support iOS share extensions, simply copy the video's URL, open the Play on Kodi app, and click the "Play" button to send the video to your selected device.

支援平台:iPhone, iPad